

dtPyAppFramework is a Python library designed to streamline the development of Python applications by providing common features and abstractions. It promotes good practices, modular design, and ease of use.


  • Singleton Management: Simplify the use of singleton classes by automating initialisation with predefined parameters.

  • Settings and Configuration: Manage application settings and configurations effortlessly.

  • Secrets Management: Securely handle secrets and credentials using local or cloud-based stores like AWS Secrets Manager and Asure KeyVault.

  • Application Initialisation: Quickly initialise your Python applications with the AbstractApp class, which takes care of common initialisation tasks.

  • Process Management: Use the ProcessManager for efficient process handling in your applications.


pip install dtPyAppFramework

Getting Started

AbstractApp Class

The AbstractApp class serves as a base class for creating Python applications. It handles common initialisation tasks and provides a structure for defining command-line arguments and the main application logic.

To create a simple Python application using dtPyAppFramework:

from dtPyAppFramework.application import AbstractApp
from dtPyAppFramework import settings

import logging

class MyApplication(AbstractApp):

    def define_args(self, arg_parser):
        # Define your command-line arguments here

    def main(self, args):
        logging.info("Running your code")
        ## Place you own code here that you wish to run

# Initialise and run the application
MyApplication(description="Simple App", version="1.0", short_name="simple_app",
          full_name="Simple Application", console_app=True).run()

The above example will output the following to the console:



Now lets take some time to go over the various features that makes dtPyAppFramework such a power library to base your Python projects of.


dtPyAppFramework offers flexible logging capabilities, allowing you to configure and manage logs easily.
In addition it offers some pretty cool logging capabilities straight out of the door which requires no setup from you.

More about logging

Configuration Files

Easily read and manage configuration settings from configurations files.
Configuration files can be set for a specific user or for any user of the application.

More about configuration files

Secrets Management

Securely store and retrieve sensitive information with encryption and best practices.
You can store secrets for a specific user or make secrets available to all users of the application.
In addition, you can use the AWS Secrets Management seamlessly within the application alongside the in-built secrets store.

More about secrets management

Command Line Arguments

Effortlessly parse and manage command line arguments with support for defining options and accessing them in your code.

More about command line arguments

Application Directories

Access common resource paths like user storage directories.

More about resource paths

Resource Manager

A robust Resource Manager, which is a singleton class named ResourceManager.

More about resource paths


Accessing Secrets in AWS Secrets Manager


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


If you have any questions, bug reports, or feature requests, feel free to contact us.